Jeng3... syabas YB Fazzrudin A Rahman.. itu yang kita mahu.. hidup pemuda PBB.. :)
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Saya sebagai Advisor kepada JKKK Kampung Bahagia Jaya Teku Fasa 2 & 3 Dayak mewakili penduduk Dayak di Kpg Bahagia Jaya Teku Fasa 2 & 3 mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada YB Dr Hj Annuar Rapaee, Menteri Muda Penyelidikan Sains & Bioteknologi, ADUN N55 Nangka kerana telah memberi sumbangan sebanyak RM200 ribu untuk mendirikan Chapel Roman Chatolic baru di Kampung Bahagia Jaya Teku untuk menggantikan Chapel yang lama. Syabas YB Dun Nangka..great job.
Sumber :FB sammy dennis
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Of late it has been widely circulated in the social media that the Chief Minister is supposedly blaming the federal authorities and UMNO for the many so-called ills affecting the country. Further, the posting claimed the Chief Minister is threatening to secede from Malaysia if all the alleged problems are not solved. The posting is reported to have originated from Facebook account "Sarawak Keluar Malaysia 2021'.
The Chief Minister’s office is categorically denying that the Chief Minister has ever made any public statement to these effects and described the posting as grossly wrong and a blatant act to put the Chief Minister in bad light in the eyes of the Federal Government.
The Chief Minister has said time and again that Sarawak will never secede from Malaysia but that doesn‘t mean the State cannot fight for its rights as enshrined in the Federal Constitution, the Malaysia Agreement 1963, the Malaysia Act, the Inter Govemment Committee Reports and Recommendations and the Cobbold Commission Reports.
Issued by:
The Chief Minister's Office
22nd Floor, Wisma Bapa Malaysia
Petra Jaya, Kuching
7 November, 2016