
Rumours PBB joining PH an Absurd Notion.


Rumours PBB joining PH an Absurd Notion.

Chong's self flattering assumption that PBB intent to join PH is upright hogwash.

Can someone ask Chong why the jumpy reaction to an ill-founded rumours.

If Chong wish to unilaterally catch thieves and corrupt politicians, perhalps Chong shd also investigate those leaders in their own den too. Don't be hypocrite and double standard.

Referring to corruptions and misdeeds as mentioned by Chong, maybe he was talking about their own new Prime Minister whom DAP & PKR  had fought and demonised vigorously during the tenure of that leader as Prime Minister for 22 years.

In actual fact,  DAP and PKR are the one who whitewash those corrupt leaders currently collaborating with them in PH.

Chong talk about DAP's long history struggle along the lines of integrity and suggested that those who wish to hop over to PH must be vetted by MACC.

Another ironic fact is that all PH's candidates was never been reffered to and vetted by MACC before being nominated.

PBB is part of a legitimate Swk BN coalition which is currently an elected government of Swk.
Just in case they forgot, Swk is a party to an agreement that conceived this country called Malaysia.

Shd also be acknowledged is that Swk BN components' parties are all local base and was founded by our very own capable Swkian leaders frm various local ethnic.

PBB and our comrades in BN Swk had genuinely experienced long grown-up political history and going through the evolution of modern Swk unlike those political parties in Swk PH who are being remote control by their leaders frm West Malaysia.

PBB will maintain our political integrity and will not act like "frog". We are not desperate because we know where our political strength lies.

We Swkian are always proud of ourselves and will stay united in diversity.
We appreciate the democratic principle of mutually agreed to disagreed.

We respect the people's verdict with an open heart and pleadge to work even harder for the interest all Swkian.

YAB CM Abg Jo had said it clearly that the government of Swk is prepare, within the ambit of a Federal system to administratively cooperate with the elected PH Federal Government.

We will ensure such cooperation will not be detrimental or diminish Swk's interest and must be in accordance with the Federal Constitution.

Swk government will also closely monitor the progress of PH's effort to fulfill their Manisfesto or promises especially that relates to Swk interest.

Last but not least, Swk Govt. lead by YAB CM Abg.Jo will not abandon or stepback our solid desire to pursue the devolution of powers frm Federal Govt. and to regain back all legitimate rights of Swk either those enshrined under the MA63 or as stipulated under the Federal Constitution.

We will consider all available options to ensure our demand will earn the desired attention, respect and result.

All this political enthusiasm of Swk Govt are nothing else but for the interest and future of all Swkian.
May God blessed and save this country.

YB Abdullah Hj.Saidol
Asst.Minister in CMO.

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